Healing Potions

The healing amount differs between the chars as you can see in the chart.
These effects sometimes get doubled. Link
Healing potions stack.
When you hit 100% of your max life the rest effect of the healing potions get lost.
Mana Potions

The amount how much mana each potion regenerates differs between the chars as the chart shows.
These effects sometimes get doubled as well.
Mana potions stack.
When you hit 100% of your max mana the rest effect of the mana potions get lost.
Rejuvenation Potions

Refills 35% Life and Mana instantly.
Refills 100% Life and Mana instantly.
Stamina Potions

Refills your Stamina pool
Infinite Stamina for 30 seconds (stackable)
Stamina is a real pain in any part of the game. Always have some with you to avoid walking.

Cures poison instantly
+50 Poison Resistance and +10 max resistance for 30 seconds (stackable)
Thawing Potion

Cures Freeze effect instantly
+50 Cold Resistance and +10 max resistance for 30 seconds (stackable)
Always have 1-2 of those with you.