Gameplay: Barbarian
Key moments (lvl whise) with the Barbarian:
Cold Plains WP - Lvl 2
Underground Passage - lvl 4
Forgotten Tower - lvl 6
Last Countess run - lvl 12-14 (2x Ral, 4xTal, 2x Eth, Ith and El must have dropped untill that point for a good run)
Andariel - lvl 13-15
Duriel - lvl 17-18
Mephisto - close to lvl 20
Diablo - lvl 20
Generall gameplay:
Untill lvl 6: You want to get javalins and a scepter as fast as possible. Use the javalins for bossgroups. Normal monsters should die with the scepter very easy.
After lvl 6 untill end act 1: Get a second scepter. Use strangling potions for AoE damage against bossgroups and finish them off with 'Double Swing'.
End of act 1: You might want to concider doing 3-5 Andariel runs for the chance of a 'Crushing Blow' item. Talking to 'Warriv' in the same game in which you kill 'Andariel' will cause her to permanently do "quest drops". This increases any drop chance by a huge amount!
At lvl 15: After 'Andariel' you don't really want to use strangling potions anymore. At lvl 15 you want to shop 2x 3Socket Flails - 1 for 'Malice', 1 for 3xTal (Can be shopped at lvl 17). This weapon combination is extremly powerfull for lvling.
If you get a 'Crushing Blow' item - Only use that for act bosses. (Simply switch it out with the 'Malice' during boss fights)