Gameplay: Amazon
Key moments (lvl whise) with the Amazon:
Cold Plains WP - Lvl 2 (Make a TP drop to the 'Den of Evil' - you need to do that quest)
Underground Passage - lvl 4-5
Forgotten Tower - lvl 6
Last Countess run - lvl 12 - 12.5 (Tal, Eth, 2xRal must have dropped until that point for a good run)
Andariel - lvl 13-14
Duriel - lvl 17+
Mephisto - lvl 20 (You want to hit lvl 20 before 'Travincal')
Generall gameplay:
lvl 1-5: Well... Throwing javalins is the only thing to do here.
lvl 6-20: 'Poison Javalin's are extremly powerfull. Try to lure monsters into the poison. Use 'Powerstrike' only in narrow areas like 'Maggot Lair'.
lvl 20-Baal: 'Charged Strike' has both an up- and an down-side. Down-side: no real AoE. Up-Side: Very strong single target. Try to "divide and conquer". Perfect scenario: Only kill the questprogress relevant monster!