Skillbuild normal any%: Sorceress

After Respecc:


Charged Bolt: The only good offensive AoE skill untill lvl 12. Unloads a number of lightning bolts. It can hit 1 monster multiple times!

Frost Nova: This skill gives us a little crowd control. It slows down the monsters around you. This helps a lot for kiting monsters.

Telekinesis: This skill can activate a lot of things like waypoints, town portals, and more. It saves little amounts of time when used well.

Frozen armor: Untill 'Teleport' this skill is not that important. When you start using Teleport it can save your skin!

Static: Probably the most overpowered skill in this game. It lowers the HP of monsters by 25% of their current HP.

Nova: Against large groups of monsters this skill is amazing. Everything around you gets hit. As soon as it hits lvl 2 with it its extremly powerfull.
Teleport: Next to 'Static' the second skill that makes the Sorceress so fast. It takes you where your cursor is.