Faster Hit Recovery
What is hit recovery?
In Diablo 2 "hit recovery" is an animation that triggers when you get hit by something for 1/12th of your maximum hp.
This animation takes a certain amount of frames.
Every frame is roughly 0.04 seconds since Diablo 2 gives us a maximum of 25 frames/sec.
The basis number of frames needed varies between the chars:
Amazon: 11
Assassin: 9
Barbarian: 9
Druid: 13
Necromancer: 13
Paladin: 9
Sorceress: 15
Now the item affix "Faster hit recovery" comes into play.
Where can we get "Faster hit recovery" from?
It's an affix you can find on:
Runeword Stealth "Tal Eth" - We will always build this so we have 25% guaranteed.
These items can be shopped from the vendors from lvl 1 and cost around 1000 Gold.
Remember that potions are more important if you are low on money!
Every char has certain FHR-breakpoints. Every breakpoint takes off 1 frame from the hit recovery animation. Doesn't sound like much but when you get more experienced you will see that it is noticable)