Items of Interest: Necromancer
Unavoidable Items
You want to get an armor with 2 open sockets.
If you don't get one as drop you can shop one of these at Charsie:
Quilted Armor

Leather Armor

Hard Leather Armor

Make sure it is not a magical item!
In this armor you put the runes Tal and Eth in this order to build the runeword 'Stealth':
With +25% Faster Run/Walk | Faster Cast Rate | Faster Hit Recovery it is absolutly nessessary on any character you want to speedrun!

Faster Cast Rate:
Apart from 'Stealth' we need either 1 or 3 items with +10% Faster Cast Rate for usefull breakpoints.
If you get 2 Faster Cast Rate jewlery items you can buy a wand with skills without Faster Cast Rate.
Yew Wand
Bone Wand

The wands can be shopped at 'Akara' or 'Drognan'.
Possible additional stats on the wands (Don't shop for that, too expensive):
+1 to 3 Teeth
+1 to 3 Bone Spear
+1 to Poison & Bone Skills
Possible additional stats on jewlery:
+x to Life / Mana
+ Lightning-, Cold- or Fire-Resistance
+1 Mana after each Kill

Diamonds and Topazes are nice in act 2 if you feel uncomfortable against the beetles.
2x Ral Runes are a "must have" for act 4 on the Necromancer (can be shield or helmet).
To get maximum resistance you can combine a diamond shield with a helmet.

Small Shield
Shields are usually the source for our resistances.
If you don't get one a necromancer off-hand you can buy a small shield from 'Charsie'.

Preserved Head
Zombie Head
Gargoyled Head
Possible additional stats on the necromancer heads:
+1 to 3 Teeth
+1 to 3 Bone Spear
+1 to Poison & Bone Skills.
If you find one of these stats you want to put your Ral-Runes into a helmet.
Helmets are not a must have. They are a "just in case"-item to put runes in.
You want to get at least one helmet with 2 open sockets in case you don't get a shield.
If you don't get one as drop you can shop one of these at Charsie:

Skull Cap

Depending of the runes you put in, helmets will provide you with "nice to have" attributes:
Possible additional stats (Don't shop for that, skip over items when you are at vendors):
+10% / 17% Faster Hit Recovery. (extremly rare)

The belt slot defines how many potions you can take with you.
Buy potions with spamming left-click while having no belt or a sash. Its faster.
Secondary a 3 row belt is speeding up the potion-shopping. (Fill belt, unequipp, reequip)
If you don't get one as a drop you can buy a 'Sash' or 'Belt' from 'Charsie' or 'Fara'.
No Belt

Possible additional stats (Don't shop for that, skip over items when you are at vendors):
+10% / 17% Faster Hit Recovery.
+5-20% Lightning-, Cold- or Fire-Resistances.
5% Chance to cast level 3 'Frost-Nova' when struck.
Optional Items
Boots are completly optional.
They can speed up a run by a lot with the right attribute.
Only take Chain Boots if they have Faster Run / Walk.

Heavy Boots

Chain Boots

Possible additional stats (Don't shop for that, skip over items when you are at vendors):
+10-20% Faster Run / Walk. (up to +40% are possible on unique- / set-boots.)
+10% / 17% Faster Hit Recovery.
+5-20% Lightning-, Cold- or Fire-Resistances.
Gloves are completly optional.
You can skip over Charsie's items while you shop for the important items.
Leather Gloves

Heavy Gloves

Chain Gloves

Possible additional stats (Don't shop for that, skip over items when you are at vendors):
+5-20% Lightning-, Cold- or Fire-Resistances.
5% Chance to cast level 3 'Frost-Nova' when struck.
Half Freezing Duration.