Frequently asked Questions
General Questions:
What does any% mean?
any% refers to games that have an in-game completion counter. For Diablo 2 that means we don't do any unnecessary quests in order to beat the game. (Examples: Bloodraven, Radament, etc.)
What does 100% mean?
In Diablo 2 we refer to 100% as all Quests + Cow Kings in every difficulty. Waypoints are not nessessary to pick up.
What does "p1" and "p8" mean?
You can change the player-settings by typing in: /players 1-8. By doing so every monster in the game gets stronger in terms of hitpoints, experience, damage, etc. It basically simulates a multiplayer game. Because of the experience difference they are to be considered as different categories.
What does "px" mean?
It means that you are allowed to change the player-settings at any time of the game.
Are there any major glitches / skips you can use?
There are no extreme glitches / skips in Diablo 2. There are some pathing issues that can be abused. Also you do not have to kill the waves before Baal in act 5. There is also a minor glitch with the Stealth runeword (you can get the Faster run walk for a certain amount of time before lvl 17).
What programs are you using to Broadcast?
I am using OBS (Open broadcaster software) and for the Timer I use LiveSplit.
Why are you not using boots / gloves or any other "open itemslot"?
In most cases we just do not find any useful items for the itemslots. Shopping for items to fill them up for 5-50 defense is just not worth it.
How are you finding most areas that quickly?
Most maps have patterns that you can look for. Check out the map page on this matter.
Also dead ends can be seen very early if you know what to look for.
Are you allowed to use Respecs?
Yes we are allowed to use Respecs. In most cases they are increasing our speed by a high amount.
How are you buying potions so quickly?
As long as you only have a 2-row belt (meaning base row +1 extra) you should always shop by spamming left-click. (Right-click has a small delay on the shopping time.
As soon as you get a 3-row belt you can fill it up. Then unequip the belt - Every potion that is in the upper 2 rows will be dropped into your inventory. Equip the belt again and repeat until your inventory is full.
What is the best Char for speedrunning?
The Sorceress holds the world records for both normal (1:20:39) and hell (4:59:01).
Why do you use multiple Thawing / Stamina potions?
Thawing potions give 50 Cold Resistance for 30 seconds. Using multiple potions will stack the time (+30 sec each)
Stamina potions give infinite Stamina for 30 seconds. Using multiple potions will stack the time (+30 sec each)
Why do you drop your shield at the beginning of the run?
A shield has a very high block chance at the start of the game. Every block will trigger an animation that is longer then the animation of hit recovery. This basically means that every block animation will cost us time.
Normal Speedrun:
What Items are you trying to buy from Charsi / Akara?
We are trying to get items with open sockets from Charsi for Runewords and/or runes that were mentioned before. Akara is the source for a 10% Faster Cast Rate wand.
Why are you doing Countess runs?
We are doing Countess runs for 2 reasons: a) Finding runes and b) getting experience.
What runes are you looking for in a normal speedrun?
The most important ones are "Tal Eth" for the Stealth runeword. Also interesting runes are Rals and Tir runes. Some chars need more runewords than that - Check out the charspecifics here.
At what level do you finish a run?
On normal we always finish with lvl 21. Reason: Ancients require lvl 20 and give 1 lvl.
Hell Speedrun:
Why do you save Deckard Cain?
We have to do some Cow-Runs. Therefor we have to get to Tristram anyways. Might aswell save him while we are there.
Why don't you use runewords like "Spirit", "Insight", etc?
A lot of runewords are "ladder only" which means that they are not available in the single player.
Why are you doing Cow-Runs on a hell any% speedrun?
We have to get to lvl 25 with Cow runs. They are the most effective way to do so, because between lvl 20-25 we only get a fraction of the experience from monsters that are 5+ lvls over us. This formula changes with lvl 25. For mor info click here.
If you get World Record through the normal part, can you claim it for a normal any%?
Theoretically yes, the problem is that we are doing a lot of quests in normal to make the hell parts easier. That makes it pretty much impossible to beat the record times.
What extra quests are you doing in a hell any% run?
We are doing every quest that give us permanent benefits. That being: Deckard Cain, Radament, Jade-Figurine, Lam Esen's, Izual, Shenk, Barbs in normal, Anya. (Excluding hell quests because they take too long.)
Why are you getting the quest reward from Anya that late?
The higher an item-lvl the better the possible stats are.
The Item-lvl from the item Anya gives us will always be equal to our current lvl.
At what level do you finish a run?
On normal we always finish with lvl 61. Reason: Ancients hell require lvl 60 and give 1 lvl.